臺灣全民學習平台 未來保衛戰:氣候衝擊與風險評估 講師:吳淑幸、莊啟佑、陳重羽 影音教學 英語發音(DVD版)
(Full English course)This course is part of the "Sustainable Net Zero" series developed in line with the "University Alliance Deepening Digital Learning Promotion and Innovative Application Plan - Taiwan Advanced Digital Learning and Smart Prosperity Grand Alliance."It focuses on climate change, exploring its potential impacts and challenges. The course covers financial disclosures related to climate change, following TCFD guidelines, including governance, strategies, risk management, indicators, and objectives.Participants will gain awareness of climate change's impact on society and learn about essential financial disclosures for organizations to enhance resilience and respond effectively to climate change.
This course aims to cultivate participants' analytical skills in assessing the impacts of climate change. It also encourages a systematic thinking approach to understand how to structure climate change-related financial disclosures following TCFD guidelines. Through this, it aims to nurture talent within organizations or businesses needed for climate change adaptation.
陳重羽助理教授 (Asst. Prof. CHEN, CHUNG-YU)Education:Ph.D. in Environmental Medicine from National Cheng Kung University?Areas of Expertise:Environmental Hormones, Instrumental Analysis, Health Risk Assessment, Environmental Health, Industrial Hygiene, Food Inspection Analysis莊啟佑助理教授/ESG產業永續研究中心主任 (Asst. Prof. CHUANG, CHI-YU)Education:Ph.D. in Bio-Industrial Mechatronics
Engineering from National Taiwan University?Areas of Expertise:Occupational Health, Energy and Environment, Biosafety, Circular Economy吳淑幸教授 (Prof. WU, SHU-HSING)Education:Ph.D. in Business Administration (Accounting) from Agnes Scott College, USA?Areas of Expertise:Intermediate Accounting, Financial Accounting, Empirical Research in Accounting, Managerial Accounting
002_1-2 .pdf
013_4-2 .pdf
017_5-2 .pdf
018_5-3 .pdf
020_6-1 .pdf
021_6-2 .pdf
022_6-3 .pdf
024_7-1 .pdf
025_7-2 .pdf
026_7-3 .pdf
01_Ch1The Impact and Adaptation to Climate Change
001_1-1Causes of Climate Change.mp4
002_1-2Extreme Weather.mp4
003_1-3Impact of climate change.mp4
02_Ch2Health Impacts and Adaptation to Temperature Changes
004_2-1Extreme Temperature Warning System.mp4
005_2-2Case Share Chicago heat wave.mp4
006_2-3Vulnerability assessment to extreme temperatures.mp4
007_2-4Community Retrofitting for Climate Change.mp4
03_Ch3The Impact of Climate Change on Waterborne Infectious Diseases and Adaptation
008_3-1Impact of climate change on Waterborne Diseases.mp4
009_3-2Exposure and hazard assessment under the risk of Waterborne Diseases.mp4
010_3-3Vulnerability Assessment and Action Plan for Waterborne Diseases.mp4
011_3-4International Adaptation Strategies and Case Sharing.mp4
04_Ch4Climate Change and Health Management Strategies
012_4-1Green City Infrastructure.mp4
013_4-2Risk Hazards of Adaptive Strategies.mp4
014_4-3Adaptive Action Program.mp4
05_Ch5Climate-Related Financial Disclosures - TCFD (Part 1)
015_5-1Climate-related Risks, Policies, Regulations, and Financial Risks.mp4
016_5-2What is the TCFD!H.mp4
017_5-3Climate-Related Physical Risks and Financial Impacts.mp4
018_5-4Climate-Related Transition Risks, Opportunities, and Financial Impacts.mp4
06_Ch6Climate-Related Financial Disclosures - TCFD (Part 2)
019_6-1TCFD Climate Governance.mp4
020_6-2TCFD Climate Strategy(1).mp4
021_6-2TCFD Climate Strategy(2).mp4
022_6-3TCFD Risk Management(1).mp4
023_6-3TCFD Risk Management(2).mp4
024_6-4TCFD Metrics and Targets(1).mp4
025_6-4TCFD Metrics and Targets(2).mp4
07_Ch7Relevant Guidelines for Sustainability ReportingGRI, SASB, CDP
026_7-1Sustainability Report with the GRI standards.mp4
027_7-2What are the SASB standards!H.mp4
028_7-3What is the CDP!H.mp4
臺灣全民學習平台 公民社會與社區參與:實境體驗學習 講師:許立一 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
臺灣全民學習平台 Smart Tech:Making decisions more valuable 講師:葉建寧 影音教學 英語發音(DVD版)
臺灣全民學習平台 中級泰語(二)(2023春季班) 講師:潘婉玲 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
臺灣全民學習平台 生物化學IV-含氮分子代謝(2023) 講師:李惠春 影音教學 中文發音(DVD版)
臺灣全民學習平台 虛擬實境與語言學習(2022秋季班) 講師:楊茂村、施雅純、JasonGrenier 吳仙風 影音教學 中文發音(DVD版)